Why Use a Board and Train Facility?

Every dog owner imagines that their four-footed family member will be perfectly behaved. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Rambunctious puppies can grow into unruly adults, and rescues with traumatic pasts can develop problematic behaviors. For dog parents looking for a reliable and convenient method to correct behavior issues, board and train programs in Boulder stand out as a top choice. 

A board and train dog trainer is different from a traditional trainer for several reasons, but the most significant is the program’s structure. With traditional training classes, the dog trainer typically gets one hour with the dog each week. Thus, the trainer acts more as your coach, and you are the dog’s actual trainer. If you have a busy week and don’t have the time to practice, the dog’s progress will stagnate. A board and train program, on the other hand, is more akin to a summer camp for dogs. Dogs receiving this type of training often spend multiple weeks at the training facility. 

Benefits of Board and Train Program 

Whether you have a new puppy and want to kickstart their training, have an adult dog that isn’t living up to their potential, or an aggressive dog with severe behavior issues, you can find a host of benefits from using a board and train program. Below, we’ll examine why this effective training method can enhance a dog’s obedience, social skills, and overall behavior, transforming a challenging pet into the perfect companion. 

1. Immersive Training 


When you send your dog to a board and train facility, their time will be spent with the singular focus of becoming a better dog. Every day will be strictly regimented and without distractions. You can think of it like a doggy boot camp, only without any of the pushups or yelling. This valuable time with a Certified Professional Dog Trainer allows your dog to make great strides in a relatively short amount of time. From the time they wake up until they fall asleep in their comfortable kennel, the dog will live and breathe training (with a healthy dose of playtime, of course!) 

2. Consistent Reinforcement 


With the board and train model, dogs have the advantage of continuous reinforcement throughout their stay. Consistency is key, and the repeated reinforcement of commands and proper behavior throughout the day helps solidify the training. No habits slip through the cracks because professional trainers are there to correct any mistakes as they happen, thereby accelerating the learning process and ensuring that good manners become second nature to your furry friend. 

3. Structured Socialization


Socialization is crucial for a well-developed canine. Missing a puppy’s key socialization window can lead to behavior issues, which a board and train program can help correct. During their stay, dogs are introduced to various social scenarios with other dogs and people under controlled conditions. This exposure is crucial for building confidence, teaching appropriate social behaviors, and reducing anxiety or aggression in unfamiliar situations. Guided by skilled trainers, dogs learn to navigate interactions in a safe and respectful way, providing them with the social skills to be well-mannered members of society. 

Drawbacks of a Board and Train Program 

While there are many benefits to using a board and train program, it is not suitable for all people and their dogs. Before deciding to send your dog to boarding school, it is important to consider its drawbacks. 

    • Cost:One of the biggest pain points with this type of program is the price. People who do not have the budget to send their dog to training camp may find it difficult to enroll their dog, but the long-term benefit of a well-trained dog is worth the cost. 

    • Separation from dog: Dogs are family members, and you will feel an absence in your house during their stay at training camp. But it’s important to remember that sending your dog to boarding school for a few weeks is only temporary. It will be over before you know it, and your dog will be better behaved for the experience. 

    • New situation for dog: Much like people, dogs can experience anxiety when faced with new situations. Some dogs adapt more easily than others, but others may have issues with a different environment.  

Finding the Best Board and Train Dog Trainer in Boulder 

Your dog means the world, and they deserve the best dog trainer. Finding the right trainer for you will require some research. The task may seem daunting, but it becomes more digestible when you know what to look for. Here are a few tips to help you find the best board and train dog trainer in Boulder: 

    1. Do your research: Look for trainers with certifications from reputable organizations, which ensures they have knowledge, skills, and experience in dog training. 

    1. Read reviews: Search for the dog trainer on Google and Yelp. Read the reviews to see what real-life customers say about their experience. 

    1. Examine case studies: Visit the dog trainer’s website and see if they have any success stories from previous dogs. This will give you an idea of how the trainer can help your dog. 

    1. Schedule consultation: Once you are ready to decide, reach out to the dog trainer for a personalized explanation of the training approach. 

 Finding the best dog trainer can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort. At BlackPaw Dog Training, our expert dog trainers have a history of success, and they take pride in getting real results, fast. With a four-acre facility in close proximity to both Boulder and Denver, our dog training camp is equipped to unlock your dog’s potential. Schedule your consultation today to see how we can give you the perfect dog.